Kathy Hoopmann

Race of Fear

 Children’s Book

Two brothers, Brad and Kent see a man being shot and thrown over a cliff. It must be murder. They might be next! They run for their lives down the mountain, thick bush ripping their clothes and skin. They encounter wasps, leeches and a dangerous snake. When they are pulled down a waterfall by strong currents they think they will die. Will they?

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Why I wrote it…

I had been bushwalking up one of the more gentle Glasshouse Mountains in Queensland. Being very unfit, I trudged along as my children dashed through the trees, clambered over rocks and explored crevasses. They were scraped, and cut and thorns dug into them and they were not at all bothered by snakes, ticks and leeches. And all this time they had huge grins on their faces. Tough kids. But as I walked, a story started to form. Imagine being in the forest being chased by murderers. Now that would be terrifying! When we got back from the walk, I went straight to my computer. With the smells and sights and feel of the bush fresh in my mind, I brought the story to life.