Kathy Hoopmann

The Big Green Sucker from Outer Space

Children’s Book

When Mum, Sally and Little Pete find a little green vacuum cleaner on the front doorstep they want to know who would leave such a present?

Sorry, this book is out of print.

Why I wrote it…

OK, I admit it. This book came about through sheer laziness. I was lying on my bed on one hot summer’s day trying to avoid the housework. I started to imagine how great it would be if I could just press a button and my vacuum cleaner would vacuum the house all by itself. Then I thought of the havoc that may create if it started to suck up stuff I wanted un-sucked. The next minute, as often happens to me, I found myself writing a story instead of doing the house work. I called my story The Little Green Vacuum Cleaner, but my publisher suggested The Big Green Sucker From Outer Space instead. Good choice, don’t you think? I have a sequel to this story already written and sitting on my computer. One day it will get published too!