Kathy Hoopmann


Children’s Book

In the age of the gnomes
The Song made them the most powerful creatures in Tremada.
In the age of the dragons
Fear rules and the gnomes are enslaved.
In the age of Shianna
The Song returns from a most unexpected source. However, the end result might split Tremada in two, and destroy precious alliances and friendships.

Sorry. It’s out of print.

Why I wrote it…

Ah, Tremada, this must be one of my favourite books, as much as an author can pick and choose favourites. When I started writing, I loved the fantasy genre, and would have happily spent my life with dragons, elves, alternative universes and the impossible. However, life has lead me along different paths, none of which I regret. Anyway, I digress. I wrote Tremada to fulfil a long time dream to dabble with dragons; to ride on one’s back; to skulk in their lairs and get into their minds. I also wanted to know what it would be like to be a reluctant hero; to have fame forced upon me and then to have my every action scrutinised. I took Shianna into the land of the dragons, then sat back and watched what happened. Tremada is the result. I’ve written the sequel already. It’s sitting on my computer ready to be refined. One day Shianna and Azdar will walk again.